Assembly Manual - GP3D Car Type-BT

The GP3D Grand Prix car "Type-BT" assembly manual is available to view online and download in PDF format below.

Any queries/errors/issues please ask us as at: or Facebook ...we are here to help and make your GP3D experience the most enjoyable! 


Versions last updated: 15th November 2022

Full download zips:




SECTION: Introduction (v1.0)

SECTION 1: Front Bulkhead (v1.0)

SECTION 2: Chassis & Dashboard (v1.0) 

SECTION 3: Front Shocks (v1.0)

SECTION 4: Front Suspension (v1.0)

SECTION 5: Radiator & Water Tank (v1.0)

SECTION 6: Engine (v1.0)

SECTION 7: Engine Details (v1.0)

SECTION 8: Rear Shocks (v1.0)

SECTION 9: Gearbox (v1.0)

SECTION 10: Rear Suspension (v1.1)

SECTION 11: Driver (v1.1)

SECTION 12: Body (v1.1)

SECTION 13: Wheels - Rear (v1.0)

SECTION 14: Wheels - Front (v1.0)




Change Log Notes


15th November 2022:

SECTION 13&14 added. Zip files containing all sections added.

11th November 2022:

SECTION 10-s4-p2,11-s1-p1,12-s1-p1 - v1.1 updates.

26th October 2022:

All SECTIONs fixes/improvements after final test build before shipping.

23rd September 2022:

SECTION 9,10,11,12 v1.0 added.

2nd September 2022:

SECTIONS 6,7,8 v1.0 added.

26th August 2022:

SECTIONS 4,5 v1.0 added.

20th August 2022:

INTRO & SECTIONS 1,2,3 v1.0 added.